The Zespri challenge is done all around the world. We are given pedometers that keep track of our steps. each day we enter our steps on the online website. There are also bonus points that you can get from including how many veggies, fruit, sugar and how long you have spent doing mindfulness gaming and sleeping. You can also enter activities that you have done. I think the Zespri challenge is a great fun way to get us, kids, to exercise more. Each day I can get around 15,000 steps. Thanks for reading.
Thursday, 11 November 2021
Friday, 29 October 2021
Labour Weekend
Labour Day commemorates the struggle for an eight-hour working day. Labour Day was first celebrated in New Zealand on 28 October 1890, when several thousand trade union members and supporters attended parades in the main center. The average American worked 12 hour days, seven days a week!
My Saturday started off with Ngati Rukawa Under 13 Maori basketball🏀 trails, which went from 9:oo till 10:30. Maori basketball is one of New Zealand's largest basketball tournaments held at Rotorua. Anyway, There were about 15 kids (including me) us working for our spot. We started off with a quick warm-up before moving into lay-up lines. After a while of fundamental activities, we transitioned into 5v5 games. Our team went well taking 2 games out of 4. Now training was finished and I was ready to go home and chill.😌
Sunday was another early start because my Sister had her basketball🏀 training. Once that was finished Me and my family spent the rest of the day at the Otaki Pools🏊. So I didn't really do much for the rest which was good because it kind of gave us a break.
Monday was planned to be a busy day because we had HK under 14 touch🏉 trials and my cousin and friend came over for the day. Touch trials were fun while tiring, when we got home me and my cousin and friend played basketball and played on the tramp. After we got bored of that we went for a bike🚴 ride uptown and got some munchies🍫 and just played on my ps4 for the rest of the day. In total, I like having Labour weekend and really enjoyed the activities that I did, Thanks for reading.
![73 [Best] Labor Day 2021: Quotes, Sayings, Images, Pictures, Poster, Photos, Meaning](
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Lion Dance
On Wednesday 27th of October, our class tried the lion dance. The lion dance originated in China and is now performed all over the world. Our tutor was Winsome, He teaches and tutors in wellington, And he really knows what he's doing. The lion dance is done twos so I buddied up David. Together we performed with the other groups. There are two parts of the lion where the people act. First, the head, which controls the eyes and the mouth, then the person that sits at the back. Overall It was great fun and I really enjoyed it. I highly recommend giving it a go and Thanks for reading
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Mandatory Vaccinations Announced

Wednesday, 8 September 2021
My Pet
Thursday, 2 September 2021
Keeping Safe
I agree with Jacinda Aderns comment because if we follow her instructions we will reduce the chance of contracting covid 19.
If we keep our distance and wear face masks we will stop the spread of covid 19.
limiting the number of people we interact with, will make contact tracing easier.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Buddy Blog About Lockdown
After the last few days, New Zealand has met Covid 19. However, this is the delta variant that is easily spread. We are back into online classes and whaea Destine has given us a task. Today we have to pair up with a friend or someone from class to complete a blog about activities that we have both been doing in lockdown.
I paired up with my cousin Kyra because we have both completed at least 5 trick shots. My favourite one was when I rolled a tennis ball down two paths which then knocked a domino stack, which led to a toy train zooming down the track. Which then powered a golf ball down a lane which was then followed up by bouncing off a pan and into a bowl of water. That trickshot nearly took a whole day. The hardest part was having to restack the dominoes every time we got past that stage.
I haven't just been doing trick shots over the last couple of days I have also just started practicing skateboarding. Skateboarding is fun because it brings people together and offers a shared interest for people to build friendships around. It also includes creativity and takes your mind off things.
Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. (sorry I have no videos for some reason I couldn't add any.
Monday, 9 August 2021
Jean Batten Aviator
Jean Batten
Last week on Friday the 6th we did a couple of activities about Jean Batten. In my group of 4 were David, Mana, Tumoana and I. Our first group activity was about Jean Batten's mascot Buddy the cat we had to figure out what the sentence meant by reversing it by 8 letters from the alphabet The class completed all 6 activities by the end of the day. My favourite activities were morse and crack the code cards. In our groups, we had to solve the time and place it on the cards to crack the codes. Our team had to think hard and communicate positively. We used maps and our Chromebooks to figure the activities out. Eventually, we figured it out and were the first group to complete it.
Friday, 30 July 2021
The most important goals for me in reading are to Read fluently. I want to also improve on reading. Last but not least I require focusing more when other people are reading and try to build a picture of what they're reading about.
The goal I have set myself in maths is to engage 100% and give it my best even if sometimes it's hard. I also want to never give up and keep trying different ways to get the job done.
My goals for writing are using sentence styles more often but putting them in the right place. I want to share my opinion better by using a variety of sentence styles. If I can do all of this I think readers will understand my writing better. I also think it will build a good picture for the reader and improve my writing in a lot of ways.
My personal goal is about sport. Especially Basketball. I want to work my shot mostly mid range. I want it to feel effortless so I feel like I know it's going in. I also want to work on my handles so they have muscle memory.
Thanks for listening
Friday, 25 June 2021
Rocket Challenge
This term our class are learning about rockets. We each split into 5 groups of 4 or 5. In my group there was Mana,Tumoana, Lockeya and Me. Each group built and designed there own little rocket. We made our rocket out of a 1.5 litre bottle and used ice cream containers as our fins.There are 6 steps to complete until your group can finally blast off.
We also had to listen to Newtons 3 laws.
1. Newtons first law is an object will not change its motion and speed unless another force acts on it.
2.In the second law, the force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration, so the more weight an object has the more force is needed to make it move.
3.last law but not least, when two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal magnitude and opposite direction.
Thank you for listening, have you done the Rocket Challenge?
Monday, 14 June 2021
Measurment Hunt
Last week, the 8th of June Our class done a Measurment hunt around half of the College. We had to find things like, Something between 2 and 3 meters long. Or on the courts what is the length of the basketball court, and lots more. Me and Lockeya were a pair and togetgher we had 1, one meter ruler. Our stratergy was to mark the end of the ruler then do the next meter from that mark. I probably would be albe to use this startergy by myself if I had a object to mark the end of the ruler. Once we finished the task we felt good that we completed pretty fast. My favourite one was measuring the length of the basketball court, because I like to play basketball. The one I didn't like was in the year 7/8 playground something between 50 and 70 cm wide, because it was hard finding something that small.
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
Word Art
Friday, 4 June 2021
IPO The Parrot
Today the 4th of June, IPO the Parrot came into our class along with Andrea Rose's Nan. IPO is a 43 year old Extraordinary Cockatoo, who has lost her wings, broken her toe. IPO use to fly in a flock, most of his specie lives in Australia. IPO is a omnivore and mostly eats seeds. He enjoys to be around people and loves going to art classes with Andrea. IPO can live up to 100 years although it is rare. After Andrea introduced IPO we all got to pat him.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
Maths D.M.I.C Problem Solving
Nearly every week we do D.M.I.C. D.M.I.C is something we do for maths. The class is grouped into groups of 4. We are faced with a problem, as a group of 4 we have to work together to work it out. A couple key things about
the Maths is that every one is participating and communicating properly, also sharing ideas.
This was one of the problems. In our group was Ethan,Lockeya, David and Myself.
As a group we worked great together. Our strategy was Guess and Check. Which worked perfectly. We presented our work to the class and it was correct. There are 4 roles for each person. I was the writer who wrote how we solved the problem, Ethan presented it so told them what and how we did it. David read the problem to the class while Lockeya ask if there was any questions before we sat back down.
Monday, 24 May 2021
Research Cards
This is a full Orchestra with every Instrument. They are grouped in there music families.
At the back are the Horns,Trumpets, trombones and bass trombones.The middle is filled with Harp, Percussion,Clarinets bass clarinets, Bassons and Contra Bassoons and the last one is Basses. The front of the Orchestra has Flutes, piccolo,Obes English Horns ,2nd violins and violas.
As one of the Research cards, I had to find a job that I would like to have when I'm older.I have two in mind that i'm gonna share today. I would like to play professional sports or work in a sport industry as a job. I like to Communicate about sport and what to improve about the Sport. I would like to play sport to keep healthy, fit and positive. I wouldn't mind Being apart of the army in the Combat field.This is a little about it. As Infantry, you are a front line soldier, and the backbone of Army service. You will be expected to be physically fit and will have to maintain a high level of both physical and mental stamina throughout your career. You will be trained and expected to operate in a range of different environments around the world and will receive advanced training in combat skills.
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Research Cards
Today we had to do some research about different things.
Idaho law allows killing up to 90 percent of state’s wolves
This allows hunters and private contractors to kill 90 percent or more of the states wolves.
This is an addition to more than $500,000 the state earmarks toward killing wolves that attack livestock
Elk Numbers in Idaho are well above 120,000, according to state agencies
Elks are more of a problem than the wolves
Wolf hunting has recently be taken to other states including Montana and Wisconsin
In 2020 Wolves likely killed 102 Idaho Cattle and sheep, According to State investigators
Over the last couple years Idaho hunters have Legally killed up to 500 wolves annually.
$300,000 in State funds are to go specifically towards killing wolves that prey on elk
Wolves to be hunted just about anyway, even if they have to be shot out from airplanes, helicopters, ATVs and Snow Machines.
since 1995 Wolves have lived in Idaho and Yellowstone National Park
This is about how many days it takes for each planet to orbit the moon
Mars To The sun
687 Days
Earth To The Sun
365 Days
Jupiter To The Sun
4329.6 Days
Mercury To The Sun
88 Days
Saturn To The Sun
10585 Days
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Goals For 2021
This year in our 2021 Options I want to improve these things in my learning. Be able to problem solve better, to work independently and with others greater. Last one for my Options would be to get creative more, with.
The sport I want to work on most would be Basketball. Basketball is my Favourite sport. The things that I can work on better would be my 3 point shot. I'm a good 3 point shooter but I want to be more consistent on making them. The part that i'll improve would be reverse layups. I need to throw the ball higher on the back board and spin it a bit less.
Buddy Comment, Lockeya:I feel like this is a good example so people can really be confident about their writing.
Thanks for listening, bye.
Friday, 26 March 2021
Maoriland Film Festival
Today, the 15th of march 4 year 7 and 8 and a couple year 9 classes walked from the college to the Memorial hall. The Maoriland Film Festival is held every year in Otaki. As our class arrived we found our seat and got comfortable. There were about 8 Short films But my favourite short film was Big Buff. Big Buff was a animation based on a true story about two people who was attacked by a forest fire. This is also what it is about On October 8, 2017, in the middle of the night, Beau Decker and Yoosha Carson were hurried out of their beds as a rabid forest fire swept through their neighbourhood. These are their stories; for their fellow neighbours who have lost and their advice on how to heal. Beau Decker and Yoosha Carson where the directors. Big Buff madewood and was very strong, he made trees houses and more. While White Suit man Sewed wool and wool. One day Big buff was doing activities when his house lit fire, White Suit Man was aware of the fire and got Big Buffs attention straight. Then Big Buff destroyed the fire and thanked White Suit Man and they both became closer neighbours and friends.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
School Music
Last week our class performed in music. Music is one of the option at our college. For the last 7 weeks we had been practising the song called Little Box. There were about 6 people playing the keyboard, 3 playing guitar, 1 playing electric guitar and 4 singers. Unfortunately I was Auckland playing in a Flag Tournament, (kinda like rippa rugby) . If I was performing I would of been shy but done hoping I did it properly. Also if it was in front of an audience I would be even more shy about. Music was fun and good to learn even if your not into it give it a try. Thanks for listen, good bye
Monday, 15 March 2021
SS Otaki and SMS Moewe
Today we had a ceremony for the SS Otaki. The SS Otaki was a merchant ship that once was sailing through the rough and dark Atlantic ocean.Then the SSotaki was seen by the SMS Moewe. The two ships then battled it out until SMS moewe sunk their enemy, with triple of the SS otakis guns. Controlling the SS otakis gun with 14 year old William Martin who was one of the sailor who lost their life.
Father Phil Cody presented this ceremony, But before he started Whaea Destine and Whaea Maha welcomed our visitors with a karanga into our College. Some visitors were Captain Roger Blake, Melissa Ross, Captain Tony Date and Mr simon Bull. Mr Rawiri Rikihana was laying reefs to represent Nga Hapu o Otaki.Another person, Christine Papps Representing the Mayor of kapiti. Mana was one of the kids who raised one of the flags which was the SS Otaki, There was also a New Zealand flag raised. I enjoyed seeing all the reefs being laid and the Music played By the combined Band of the Salvation Army
Sinking of the SS Otaki
Matua Andy
Friday, 5 March 2021
W.T.E My Performance
Today we looked at our Write That Essay Performance. Write That Essay a site that my class does our writing on It is great. It has a lot of effects with it like the performance page. The performance page shows us the things we need in our writing and how well we are doing those things for example I have 99% spelling in my writing and my writing strength is 75%. It has everything like sentences, mastery,paragraphs, fluency, precision, word count and top sentence styles.
I think my writing is pretty average, But there are a couple of things I wanna work this year. First I want to try up my writing strength it is 75% now and at the end of the year would want to try be at 85-90% hopefully. It also says I have a average of 50 words per paragraph, although It said I needed more words init! The last thing I want to make better is my writing sentences, so the type sentences I use. I want use a bigger variety of sentences so maybe it would make my writing more interesting. Other than that My writing GOOD.
Today we did D.M.I.C for the first two periods. In my was David Mana and me. Today's problem was, a child ate 100 cookies in five days. Each day they ate 6 more than the day before. How many Cookies did they eat on the first day? Our group kinda struggled with a starting point and a strategy. Then we tried using guess and check, which was actually working. The first number we started was 15 but then we figured out it was to high then 12, but again it was to high. 5 was to low and 10 was just higher than 100. So then we tried 8 and found out that it was correct.
This is how we worked it out.
we started with 8 then added 6 4 times so like 8,14,20,26,32. Then we added all those numbers together which equaled 100. So that was how we figured it out. thanks for listening see ya
Friday, 26 February 2021
Kia Kaha buddies
This morning, Our Kia kaha buddies came in. This year our kia kaha buddies are Jay
da and Oriwa, Kia kaha buddies are year 13s that come into our class and have some fun with us. Today we started off playing the game Bang on the courts, we had two rounds of bang then we switched into Bullrush/Seaweed.
Seaweed was fun I only got tagged 3 times within 4 rounds. I enjoyed every activite we did, Bang got our brain thinking and Seaweed was a great way of getting us moving in the morning. They used 123, all eyes on me to get the classes attention which I thought a great idea and It worked. Next week when they come in I would like to play fat man splat but with coned bases. That would be fun to play with the class. This morning was a great morning with our buddies and I can't wait to play with them next week.