Thursday 3 June 2021

Maths D.M.I.C Problem Solving

 Nearly every week we do D.M.I.C. D.M.I.C is something we do for maths. The class is grouped into groups of 4. We are faced with a problem, as a group of 4 we have to work together to work it out.  A couple key things about
the Maths is that every one is participating and communicating properly, also sharing ideas.

This was one of the problems. In our group was Ethan,Lockeya, David and Myself.

As a group we worked great together.  Our strategy was Guess and Check. Which worked perfectly. We presented our work to the class and it was correct. There are 4 roles for each person. I was the writer who wrote how we solved the problem, Ethan presented it so told them what and how we did it. David read the problem to the class while Lockeya ask if there was any questions before we sat back down. 

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