Wednesday 19 May 2021

Research Cards


Today we had to do some research about different things.

This one on National Geographic is about Idaho, Killing 90 Percent of the states wolves. I had to right 10 facts about this article.

Idaho law allows killing up to 90 percent of state’s wolves

  1. This allows hunters and private contractors to kill 90 percent or more of the states wolves.

  1. This is an addition to more than $500,000 the state earmarks toward killing wolves that attack livestock

  1. Elk Numbers in Idaho are well above 120,000, according to state agencies

  1. Elks are more of a problem than the wolves

  1. Wolf hunting has recently be taken to other states including Montana and Wisconsin 

  1. In 2020 Wolves likely killed 102 Idaho Cattle and sheep, According to State investigators

  1. Over the last couple years Idaho hunters have Legally killed up to 500 wolves annually.

  1. $300,000 in State funds are to go specifically towards killing wolves that prey on elk

  1.  Wolves to be hunted just about anyway, even if they have to be shot out from  airplanes, helicopters, ATVs and Snow Machines.

  1. since 1995 Wolves have lived in Idaho and Yellowstone National Park

This is about how many days it takes for each planet to orbit the moon


Mars To The sun

687 Days

Earth To The Sun

365 Days

Jupiter To The Sun

4329.6 Days

Mercury To The Sun

88 Days

Saturn To The Sun

10585 Days

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