Monday 30 November 2020


 So since it is our last week at school Our teacher whaea decided we should do a memory book about 2020. It was a fun, hard,unique year. Here is a word art of 2020. So it has words that I think describe 2020. 2020 DHT Memory Book


Friday 27 November 2020


 On the 16th of november, My class was making  board games in groups of upto 5 . I was in a group with Kita, Karson and david. Our game we made was UNO. you might have played it before and it is kinda like last card. Our instructions were easy to follow and clear for other groups. The equipment we used was a laminated paperboard and UNO cards. It was exciting and fun to play definitely in a close situation. Two - six players can  play together and have fun, Our game was presented 100% perfect and by the way this is an original game that we copied. The other groups' games were fun to play and Our class had fun!

My favourite game to play was Brain master. It was funny and exciting when you had to do the challenges. The class said we could improve on the rules for people wjo don't know how to play.

Friday 13 November 2020


  Last week, Otaki college year 7 and 8 went on camp to curious cove. Curious cove is located in the Marlborough sounds near Picton. We had to meet at school at 5:30 am! Then left Wellington at 9:00 am on the Interislander Ferry.


It was a fun week although the weather wasn't that great we still made the most out of It. The activities we did were Kayaking, Fishing of the wharf, Jumping of the wharf, Games room, and we also did a couple of tracks on other islands. 

I didn’t just have one favourite activity at camp. I had two. The first one was Jetty Jumping. Jumping of the wharf was one of most enjoyable things. I liked this because it was fun popping manu’s and getting in the water, even though sometimes it was cold. The second thing I liked was the Waterfall at Ships Cove. Even though it was a short walk It was fun. Me kita and Isaac started running and doing parkour along the track. Then the waterfall was was so cool in fact it had two waterfalls. The water was cold and fresh. It was definitely worth it even if we nearly missed lunch.

One thing I didn’t like about camp was the weather. If the weather was great we wouldn’t of missed out on the Flying Fox,Confidence course, Spotlight and the Team course. It was still fun and would love to go again.

I made an animation about my favourite part. I also made a acrostic Poem.












I couldn't add my animation for some reason. sorry

Friday 18 September 2020


 In 10 years time I will be 21 and I want to be In the NBA (National Basketball Association). I need to train hard, create healthy habits, Play against players that are better than me and practice shooting everywhere around the court. I can get there by getting scholarships getting recruited by colleges having an manager will also help. My family, coaches and a manager if I have one can stand by me.Hoop Club KapitiME NOW
Ja Morant's Dunks Are Amazing. His Misses Are Even Better. - The New York  Times

Friday 11 September 2020

Changes To Managing Self Form

 At Otaki College The Year 7 and 8's Fill out a form every Friday based on Managing self -Accountability and Responsibility.  I and fine about the form It asks us about our learning and if we have finished our tasks or not. The form has things related to Homeroom And ask what we need to improve on next week or what we did great this week. I think this is a great way of showing what we have completed and not. 

Friday 4 September 2020

One Thing I've Learnt In Te Reo

 This week in Te reo Maori We were learning about numbers and how to count in Te reo. We started counting to ten. As we got the hang of that we moved onto counting In twos all the way to 24.Next Ropu 1( My Group) Went in 5's and 10's. We gained lots of knowledge then at the end of each lesson we had a game of Warewhare which is bingo. We also Learnt some other words for example, I mua Meaning Before, I muri meaning after. Tau meaning number and some others I can't remember. Here is an example of a Question that we would of answered. He aha te tau kei mua i te Rua tekau ma wha?. In English it is saying what number is before 24?

Answer : 23

This is a really great way to use maths in your everyday life. It can be a challenge but it is really fun to do. You can also teach others to count in maori and can each other questiotion or play maths games. Counting in Te reo was definitely fun and pretty challenging.Maori Ordinal Numbers to 31 – Blackboard Jungle

Friday 28 August 2020

What I have learnt This week in class


Kaitiaki is a leader. Or could be guardians of land, sea or nature. It not just a person it also can be a group that is recognised as a guardian by the tangata whenua and is responsible for looking after something. kaitiakitanga is part of a social, cultural,economic and spiritual system.


In class we have been learning about drugs. DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. An police officer by the name of 'Big Lou' came in class and talk to us about drugs and what happens when you take them. Drugs can mess you up and you life if you carry on taking the bad ones. Nearly everyone has taken some kind of  drug from caffeine to medicine, protein shakes, and much more.

EPIC-Books for kids

Epic is a really fun, great website for kids to read any book they want. Epic has many categories of books for example Science, sport, pets, mysteries,arts and crafts, comics and adventure books. My favourite books are the sport ones because there so many to pick that look great to read. Some books you can even just listen to it instead of reading the book.


I think the class goal I have achieved is being focused on work and getting all my work completed. I think my5 Ways to Use Epic! in the Classroom | Epic Blog next class goal will be to help others finish their work when I'm done. I also have Respected our teacher and others in class. It has been a great week!

Friday 21 August 2020

Sea levels Rising

 Ki ora, In DHT (my class) We are each doing an Environmental issue.  I decided to go with Sea level rising because of thermal expansion. Thermal expansion is when the temperature goes up then the liquid is increased. I have chosen this environmental issue because I want to know more about the Seas rising and why they are. I am doing this Issue with Jahvahn because I know we can work well and get the job done. One of the causes of the Sea rising is because of thermal expansion that is caused by warming the ocean since water expands at it warms up.

Introduction (Part 2) | Sea level rise, Sea level, Greenhouse effect


Tuesday 4 August 2020


Today i'm writing about the word Respect. What does Respect mean?  Respect is an act of giving attention or showing care. Respect is really important because it builds trust, safety, happiness, teamwork, resilience and many more. An example of Respect is really listening to someone talk. Or helping each other or even being kind. Also treat others how you would like to be treated.

W.A.L.T Inform our audience about how I will achieve our class goal for term three.ROAR - Ōtaki CollegeROAR - Ōtaki CollegeROAR - Ōtaki CollegeROAR - Ōtaki College

Thursday 30 July 2020


Ki ora, My name is kaylis i'm 11 years old and a year seven at Otaki College. My friends are Isaac, Te Wano, Haki, Eddie and David. I'm in DHT (class) on the bottom floor. My favourite subjects are P.E and Reading. My favourite options are cooking and sewing.

My favourite sport is Basketball but I play most sports like rugby, touch and athletics. I love Burgers especially homemade ones. My main outdoor game would probably be longball. My most popular movie would be Jumanji the next level or olympus has fallen and one more G.I Joes

I have a family of six to younger sisters and my parents. I love playing with my cousins, especially when its sport. I like to travel places around the world. The places I like to go are Rarotonga and the south island. I would like travel to different places and enjoy the country or area. I hope you appreciate my blog and have a good day😀😄 
OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN Trailer and Poster | ColliderWallpaper of Sports, Basketball, Ring background & HD image

Friday 24 July 2020

Algebra Order of Operations

For the last two weeks My class has been learning How to use the order of operations in Algebra. Algebra is apart of mathematics and uses letters and other symbols. Algebra mainly uses the letters X and Y but can use any other letters.

What I have learnt from Algebra is BEDMSA, Brackets, Exponent (Or power), Division, Multiplication, subtraction and Addition.  I also learnt what Exponents are and how to deal with them. Here is a Example of how to answer this question :  (4+3)x7=        so first we add 4 and 3 because they have brackets around them. so 4+3 equals 7, so then the next step is to times the 7 by 7 which equals 49 which is your answer.

Why is Algebra Important you ask?

Algebra will help you in your future, especially with your job. It also uses most operations in maths so that is also good thing about Algebra. And one of the main thing is you get the correct answer.

Monday 20 July 2020

My Holiday

W.A.L.T  Inform our audience
Adrenalin Paintball- LaserWar - Paintball & Laser Tag Venues ...
On the first week We went paintballing in Paraparaumu at 8 in the morning, With my cousins(Kyra Kapiti Ameia and Te Akau) and Uncle Jax and Aunty Paris. It was Kyra's 13th Birthday and she was the oldest. The instructors told us the rules and safety rules and then we were ready to paintball! The first game we played was Capture the flag, in fact the first 2 games we played capture the flag. I absolutely loved playing paintball shooting all my cousins and uncles and auntys. even better was winning both games. In our team we had Me paris, Ameia, Ameia dad and mum ethan and cass. I got most of the kills which was fun. the last game we tried to play north korean which didn't work. Two people protected the flag in the middle while two other teams on the each side. one of the teams had to try grab the flag and take it back to their base and then the people in the middle join with the other team. Soon as it didn't work we played free for all until we were out of ammo. I really enjoyed playing paintball and also shooting my mum and aunty cass in the head. I can't wait to go paintballing for my Birthday.

On the second week of the school holidays, Me my two sisters and my mum drove up to our batch in kuratau. Our cousins from Whangarei (Pearl,Jasper and Tai) also came. It was raining when we arrived and it didn't leave. we started unpacking, once we finished unpacking me and my cousin Tai set up the ping pong table. We played some good matches for a while, then started playing golf in the grass.

When we were ready to start our trip to the Tukino Ski fields we headed off. First to Tokaanu Ski and snowboard rentals. Me, Pearl and Tai were the only ones who wanted to snowboard, the others just got walking boots. Once we finished hiring our stuff, we cruised off through the desert road.As we arrived to our stop there was a sign saying only 4wD can get up the mountain and there would be a 2wD parking 6 km ahead. Only Uncle David (Tai's dad) had an 4wD so in 6 km we would all squish in his car. When we all were in the car we drove another 8 km up the snowy mountain according to the sign. We reached the top of the mountain and chucked our warm gear on and headed down to the ski field. At first it was hard getting onto the rope that would pull us up the mountain instead of walking up the mountain. after a couple of tries we eventually got the hang of it, and away we went down on our snowboards. It was so fun snowboarding, but It was hard trying to go one way then stop and go the other way. We snowboarded for a couple of hours and then our cousins from Otaki turned up (Kyra, Ameia, Kapiti and Te Akau) with their tobogan. Then we stayed for a couple of more hours because Kyra and kapiti wanted a turn snowboarding. Then we were ready to go we were gonna meet up at the thermal pools and stay for a while. The next few days we just keep going to the pools because it was rainy all day and because it was inside. It was still a fun trip andWhere to travel to if you're a snowboarding fanatic I would love to go again.

600 words

Thursday 25 June 2020

The Weekend

On Saturday the 20th of June I had Basketball training at Nga Purapura in Otaki with other kids that would be getting trained by Dion Prewster.  Dion is a New Zealand professional basketball player for the Wellington Saints.  As training went on we had just went over some stretching, transition plays 2v2s then 4v4s then finished with a full court 5v5. I had a good training with the older boys.PREWSTER BACK IN BLACK TO TAKE ON BOOMERS AND GUAM |Basketball New ...

After Basketball I went straight to the Otaki Domain with my dad because my dad was playing for Rahui A's. They were versing Paraparaumu. It was a tough game for Rahui but in the end Rahui got the win and played one great game. on the other field Whiti Te Ra Were Way ahead of the Porirua Vikings. After Both Games were finished, we went home and I finished the day on a good note By playing Call Of Duty Warzone on my ps4.

Kenny McFadden: Wellington Saints

On Sunday We left at 7:00 Am in the morning for a one hour drive to Wellington ASB Centre For a 6 hour basketball camp with New Zealand Basketball Academy. When we got there I warmed up feeling a bit nervous but mostly excited. Then Kenny Mcfadden (Kenny McFadden is an American former professional basketball player who currently works in coaching and development of basketball in New Zealand) Lead us in the middle And talked us through what we would be doing today. I was with the under 13's. We started of by stretching then we went into dribbling, passing lay ups and then we put up a couple of shots. Until we went into some 1v1 only Using two dribbles and trying to only lay up. After that we had 2v2s going and we were to screen then either drive to the hoop or pass to your teammate who just planted a screen. After a couple of matches we had a 50 minute break, then would be straight back into it

After lunch we started off with shooting practising catching and shooting. Then of the dribble shots. 
We ended off with 4v4s full court then half court. With 5 minutes to go we had a full court 5v5 game it was very tiring especially after everything else we had done. We won the game and instead of having another one we had a game of knockout. Knockout is when the person in front of you misses and you get it in then they are out of the game.  It went for a couple of minutes until it was down to me and this girl were shooting. Until I Finished her off. We finished the camp and traveled back home.
I had a great weekend it was full on but I still loved it. I also learnt a lot of basketball skills and tips. Thanks for reading have a good day.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Why Do We Celebrate Queens Birthday In New Zealand ?

Why Do We Celebrate Queen's Birthday In New Zealand? For over a hundred years the birthday of the Queen has been celebrated on Monday the 1st of June, In both New Zealand and Britain. This event is a wonderful experience. In New Zealand some well known kiwi's are awarded with the Queens award for awesome leadership and performing great in whatever they do.

What Happens On Queens birthday?

On the Queens birthday New Zealand has a 3 day weekend instead of 2 day weekend. On the 3 day weekend Me my two sisters and my 6 cousins all went to the Otaki skate park . After a while all of us left except for me and Kapiti my younger cousin. We stayed there Roughly for about an hour and then headed home.

So that's what we did on the Queen's birthday. We had a awesome time at the skate park and like usual there were lots of people at the skate park. Also if you didn't know why we celebrate the Queens birthday then make sure to read the top paragraph. Hope you guys had a great time on the Queens birthday and goodbye for now.

Monday 25 May 2020


On Saturday the 23rd of May, at about 3 o'clock . Me and my cousin Kapiti, Approached the Otaki Skatepark🛹.  We always go to the skate park with our scooters. Today was Kapiti birthday so this was my present for him. As we arrived there were load of people there.

 We got stuck in straight away airing boxes, tail whips, going up and down the bowl and the best thing I like doing going up the spine, and many more cool tricks. There were these other teenagers who could at least jump higher than kapiti who is 9! They were absolutely great with there scooters doing all kinds of outstanding tricks. We were having so much fun it was also very tiring.

Overall we had a great time we stayed there for about a hour an then went back to kapitis house. We played there for a bit until we went home t about 5pm here a picture of a bit of the otaki skate park. Otaki Skate Park Otaki have a good day         

Monday 11 May 2020


On Monday the 11th of May the class of DHT did an activity called Wordart. We wrote down things we liked for example I like basketball and outdoor activities. We decorated our picture. My picture was a person dunking. Wordart was fun to do. I really enjoyed this activity. This is how my Wordart picture turned out. Enjoy😊

Sunday 10 May 2020

The Weekend

On Saturday the 2nd of May, we started the day off with gardening.  This involved filling 3 large holes with dirt. We used a wheelbarrow, shovel and a pitch fork. For lunch we had our first takeaways that were fish ‘n chips at the beach. Our Nan and Cousins came down to the beach and had a couple of chips. Next thing you know Emanea (my sister) is spending the day with them! In the afternoon we did some basketball drills and one workout. Which involved running squats, push press, push ups and sit ups. For the basketball drill I did another session of Paul Eastons free home workouts. Yummy dinner, we had pasta which was delicious. On the menu for desert was homemade feijoa ice cream. We finished the day off by watching Angry Birds 2. Angry Birds 2 had really funny moments. Overall it was a good movie and really funny. So that's how our Saturday went.

Now for Sunday.On Sunday the 3rd of May at about 11:00am we watched The Last Dance. The Last Dance is a 2020 American sports documentary that involves 10 miniseries about the career of Michael Jordan, with particular focus on the 1997–98 Chicago Bulls season. Michael Jordan was one of the best basketball players in history! After watching episodes 3 and 4 of the Last Dance we went up to our Nan's place and cruised around the massive field on the buggy and motorbike. We also made waffles at my nan's house. They were delicious. What made it better was the feijoa ice cream we made the day before.

So that's how my first weekend of May went. It was one fun weekend.  As you can see we did a lot of fun things, which was awesome. What do you do on the weekends? I like keeping busy and always doing things with others. I’ve also done a couple of jobs with my Uncle and Koro and it was fun helping them out.Stay Safe and keep social distance with others. Have a nice day. Here are a couple of photos of the activities we done.

Friday 8 May 2020

Largest Lego Great Ball Contraption

The Largest great ball contraption has been created at LEGO® World Denmark in Copenhagen. With modules including multiple bridges, rotating wheels, and a shot into a basketball hoop.This creation was made by Ben Jonkman and Maico Arts, these two are both Netherlands. This 259 contraption was also created by Klaus Hansen, Lasse Deleruan, Brain Soholm Larsen and Elena Dimitrova. These 4 people also did their job in the massive creation. I think this lego ball contraption is massively amazing. I bet this model will blow your mind! This lego ball contraption also made the record for the largest ball contraption. Here is a link to watch the 40 minute awesome lego ball contraption

Wednesday 6 May 2020


I made waffles on the 30th of may for desert. They were absolutely delicous! I added maple syrup, whip cream and blueberries.

Friday 1 May 2020

Project Recycable

During lockdown DHT (our class) Had a task to do. It was a Project Recyclable. You were not allowed to go and buy things so you had to be really creative. once we had finished we would share what we made on our next class video call.My Project was Anzac biscuits soon as its anzac. It was fun following the steps and recipe.

What creative things have you made or done. have you made a trickshot while in lockdown because me and my dad have. or have you had some great family fun. Here is the recipe and what our anzac cookies turn out like. By the way the were so delicious that we have no more!!!
Here are our anzac cookies and the recipe we followed.


Tuesday 28 April 2020

Lockdown Level 3

Covid 19 level three is no difference from level four in our bubble just, we can get takeaways. What does level three mean in your bubble? I'm not going back to school which makes me feel more safe and comfortable. I wonder how the college is gonna manage all the kids that are going back to school? remember stay safe and stay home and have a good day😊👍👌

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Basketball Training With Paul Easton🏀🏀

Paul easton is a guy from Canada (America) that is doing online training, for kids around the world while we are in covid 19 lockdown. Paul is awesome, I have watched a couple of his sessions and they are awesome. You can do the sessions live on zoom or watch them on youtube, facebook and instagram. The things you learn on the live sessions or videos are excellent. Paul doesn't need a hoop, just a ball and maybe one or two cones. During the workout you will practice: dribbling, fitness, push ups, new moves, working on your shot and defence. The session is only 45 minutes long so it is short and sharp. Over 900 kids around the country join each zoom session which shows you that Paul is not just good but awesome at what he does. One thing that I like about the sessions is the burnout! In the burnout Paul puts everything you just practiced into a 4 minute workout. It's tough but that's what Paul's all about hard work , sweat and determination.

Tuesday 17 March 2020


The Corona Virus also known as Covid 19, Is a Deadly Disease that's spreading around the world. I feel curious, nervous and Intestred about covid 19. I've been wondering what to do if it's near.

 The Corona Virus has Impacted on me hugely. On my sport, traveling and meeting people. Covid has impacted on other things throughout the world like the olympics, playing sports with no audience, seeing family and going shopping. As you can see, the corona virus has a big impact on the world.

 These are some things you can do to help your family out. Keep your hands of your face and to yourself Wash your hands daily Help your parents Make sure you're doing these things if you don’t want covid 19! Another 2 are stay aware of updates and take care of your health.

 10 Items I would take if I was self isolated or on lockdown. Would be A small barby (Barbecue) Healthy food, water, toilet paper, book’s, clothes, board games, technology, smoothie blender and last but not least handsanitizer. What would you take if you were in lockdown? And Is the coronavirus near you? Rember check for updates.

Monday 9 March 2020

S.S Otaki Commemoration Service

S.S Otaki Commemoration Service

On Monday the 9th of march 2020, Otaki college had a Commemoration Service. It was about russian Arctic Convoy and other things . A lot of people attended this service that was located at Otaki College hall because of the weather.

 Like the german Ambassador,  president of the Russian Arctic club, 98 year old that was a survivor on a ship, and 5 other important and remarkable people. Throughout the service there was songs including the national anthem, Ma waira and our college song. 

There also was those important and remarkable people I mentioned before had their time to speak. They Really described how war felt on the ocean. After everyone of those seven old men finished their speech. They had to lay the reefs. Once that was done,One guy had the bagpiper and leaded the official party out. And the Commemoration service was done.

Image result for ss otakiDoes your school do one of these? This was my first one of these service's. I think it was interesting. It was wonderful that these old people came and talked about the world war on the ocean. 

Wednesday 4 March 2020

DMIC Problem Solving

DMIC is about maths there are four roles in DMIC. 1 reader 2 writer 3 explainer 4 questioner.  So obviously there are four kids in your group.To be a great Dmic Member you have to be the following words. You have to be a group member, listen to other kids ideas, stay on task, and do your role whether your the reader writer explainer and questioner.

Monday 24 February 2020

About Me

Hi My name is Kaylis, I am 10 years old. live in Otaki and go to Otaki College and i'm a year 7. I enjoy playing with my dad. We have lots of fun together.  I like playing sports especially basketball. Also Like playing Call of Duty (modern Warfare) My favourite Food is Burgers. My least Favorite food is tomato. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite books are David Walliams. My favourite Movie is Jumanji The Next Level. Last of all I Love going to Rarotonga it is so calming and exiting. Image result for otaki college