Thursday 4 June 2020

Why Do We Celebrate Queens Birthday In New Zealand ?

Why Do We Celebrate Queen's Birthday In New Zealand? For over a hundred years the birthday of the Queen has been celebrated on Monday the 1st of June, In both New Zealand and Britain. This event is a wonderful experience. In New Zealand some well known kiwi's are awarded with the Queens award for awesome leadership and performing great in whatever they do.

What Happens On Queens birthday?

On the Queens birthday New Zealand has a 3 day weekend instead of 2 day weekend. On the 3 day weekend Me my two sisters and my 6 cousins all went to the Otaki skate park . After a while all of us left except for me and Kapiti my younger cousin. We stayed there Roughly for about an hour and then headed home.

So that's what we did on the Queen's birthday. We had a awesome time at the skate park and like usual there were lots of people at the skate park. Also if you didn't know why we celebrate the Queens birthday then make sure to read the top paragraph. Hope you guys had a great time on the Queens birthday and goodbye for now.

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