Monday 20 July 2020

My Holiday

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Adrenalin Paintball- LaserWar - Paintball & Laser Tag Venues ...
On the first week We went paintballing in Paraparaumu at 8 in the morning, With my cousins(Kyra Kapiti Ameia and Te Akau) and Uncle Jax and Aunty Paris. It was Kyra's 13th Birthday and she was the oldest. The instructors told us the rules and safety rules and then we were ready to paintball! The first game we played was Capture the flag, in fact the first 2 games we played capture the flag. I absolutely loved playing paintball shooting all my cousins and uncles and auntys. even better was winning both games. In our team we had Me paris, Ameia, Ameia dad and mum ethan and cass. I got most of the kills which was fun. the last game we tried to play north korean which didn't work. Two people protected the flag in the middle while two other teams on the each side. one of the teams had to try grab the flag and take it back to their base and then the people in the middle join with the other team. Soon as it didn't work we played free for all until we were out of ammo. I really enjoyed playing paintball and also shooting my mum and aunty cass in the head. I can't wait to go paintballing for my Birthday.

On the second week of the school holidays, Me my two sisters and my mum drove up to our batch in kuratau. Our cousins from Whangarei (Pearl,Jasper and Tai) also came. It was raining when we arrived and it didn't leave. we started unpacking, once we finished unpacking me and my cousin Tai set up the ping pong table. We played some good matches for a while, then started playing golf in the grass.

When we were ready to start our trip to the Tukino Ski fields we headed off. First to Tokaanu Ski and snowboard rentals. Me, Pearl and Tai were the only ones who wanted to snowboard, the others just got walking boots. Once we finished hiring our stuff, we cruised off through the desert road.As we arrived to our stop there was a sign saying only 4wD can get up the mountain and there would be a 2wD parking 6 km ahead. Only Uncle David (Tai's dad) had an 4wD so in 6 km we would all squish in his car. When we all were in the car we drove another 8 km up the snowy mountain according to the sign. We reached the top of the mountain and chucked our warm gear on and headed down to the ski field. At first it was hard getting onto the rope that would pull us up the mountain instead of walking up the mountain. after a couple of tries we eventually got the hang of it, and away we went down on our snowboards. It was so fun snowboarding, but It was hard trying to go one way then stop and go the other way. We snowboarded for a couple of hours and then our cousins from Otaki turned up (Kyra, Ameia, Kapiti and Te Akau) with their tobogan. Then we stayed for a couple of more hours because Kyra and kapiti wanted a turn snowboarding. Then we were ready to go we were gonna meet up at the thermal pools and stay for a while. The next few days we just keep going to the pools because it was rainy all day and because it was inside. It was still a fun trip andWhere to travel to if you're a snowboarding fanatic I would love to go again.

600 words


  1. Looking good Kaylis I'm Loveing it kaylis keep up the good work :):):):):)

    1. THANKS ISaac you gotta say that your the buggy comment

  2. do to kown we are going to beeb at 2:30pm


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