Friday 26 March 2021

Maoriland Film Festival

Today, the 15th of march 4 year 7 and 8 and a couple year 9 classes walked from the college to the Memorial hall.  The Maoriland Film Festival is held every year in Otaki. As our class arrived we found our seat and got comfortable.  There were about 8 Short films But my favourite short film was Big Buff. Big Buff was a animation based on a true story about two people who was attacked by a forest fire. This is also what it is about On October 8, 2017, in the middle of the night, Beau Decker and Yoosha Carson were hurried out of their beds as a rabid forest fire swept through their neighbourhood. These are their stories; for their fellow neighbours who have lost and their advice on how to heal. Beau Decker and Yoosha Carson where the directors. Big Buff madewood and was very strong, he made trees houses and more. While White Suit man Sewed wool and wool. One day Big buff was doing activities when his house lit fire, White Suit Man was aware of the fire and got Big Buffs attention straight. Then Big Buff destroyed the fire and thanked White Suit Man and they both became closer neighbours and friends. 


Wednesday 24 March 2021

School Music

Last week our class performed in music. Music is one of the option at our college. For the last 7  weeks we had been practising the song called Little Box.  There were about 6 people playing the keyboard, 3 playing guitar, 1 playing electric guitar and 4 singers. Unfortunately I was Auckland playing in a Flag Tournament, (kinda like rippa rugby) . If I was performing I would of been shy but done hoping I did it properly. Also if it was in front of an audience I would be even more shy about.  Music was fun and good to learn even if your not into it give it a try. Thanks for listen, good bye

Monday 15 March 2021

SS Otaki and SMS Moewe


 Today we had a ceremony for the SS Otaki. The SS Otaki was a merchant ship that once was sailing through the rough and dark Atlantic ocean.Then the SSotaki was seen by the SMS Moewe. The two ships then battled it out until SMS moewe sunk their enemy, with triple of the SS otakis guns. Controlling the SS otakis gun with 14 year old William Martin who was one of the sailor who lost their life.

Father Phil Cody presented this ceremony, But before he started Whaea Destine and Whaea Maha welcomed our visitors with a karanga into our College. Some visitors were Captain Roger Blake, Melissa Ross, Captain Tony Date and Mr simon Bull. Mr Rawiri Rikihana was laying reefs to represent Nga Hapu o Otaki.Another person, Christine Papps Representing the Mayor of kapiti. Mana was one of the kids who raised one of the flags which was the SS Otaki, There was also a New Zealand flag raised. I enjoyed seeing all the reefs being laid and the Music played By the combined Band of the Salvation Army

SS Otaki

SS Moewe

                                                                                        Sinking of the SS Otaki
Matua Andy

Friday 5 March 2021

W.T.E My Performance

 Today we looked at our Write That Essay Performance. Write That Essay a site that my class does our writing on It is great. It has a lot of effects with it like the performance page. The performance page shows us the things we need in our writing and how well we are doing those things for example I have 99% spelling in my writing and my writing strength is 75%. It has everything like sentences, mastery,paragraphs, fluency, precision, word count and top sentence styles.

I think my writing is pretty average, But there are a couple of things I wanna work this year. First I want to try up my writing strength it is 75% now and at the end of the year would want to try be at 85-90% hopefully. It also says I have a average of 50 words per paragraph, although It said I needed more words init! The last thing I want to make better is my writing sentences, so the type sentences I use. I want use a bigger variety of sentences so maybe it would make my writing more interesting. Other than that My writing GOOD.


 Today we did D.M.I.C for the first two periods. In my was David Mana and me.  Today's problem was, a child ate 100 cookies in five days. Each day they ate 6 more than the day before. How many Cookies did they eat on the first day? Our group kinda struggled with a starting point and a strategy. Then we tried using guess and check, which was actually working. The first number we started was 15 but then we figured out it was to high then 12, but again it was to high. 5 was to low and 10 was just higher than 100. So then we tried 8 and found out that it was correct. 

This is how we worked it out. 

we started with 8 then added 6  4 times so like 8,14,20,26,32. Then we added all those numbers together which equaled 100. So that was how we figured it out. thanks for listening see ya