Friday 25 June 2021

Rocket Challenge

 This term our class are learning about rockets. We each split into 5 groups of 4 or 5. In my group there was Mana,Tumoana, Lockeya and Me. Each group built and designed there own little rocket.  We made our rocket out of a 1.5 litre bottle and used ice cream containers as our fins.There are 6 steps to complete until your group can finally blast off.  

We also had to listen to Newtons 3 laws. 

1. Newtons first law is an object will not change its motion and speed unless another force acts on it. 

2.In the second law, the force on an object is equal to its mass times its acceleration, so the more     weight an object has the more force is needed to make it move. 

 3.last law but not least, when two objects interact, they apply forces to each other of equal                magnitude and opposite direction. 

Thank you for listening, have you done the Rocket Challenge?

Monday 14 June 2021

Measurment Hunt

 Last week, the 8th of June Our class done a Measurment hunt around half of the College.  We had to find things like, Something between 2 and 3 meters long. Or on the courts what is the length of the basketball court, and lots more. Me and Lockeya were a pair and togetgher we had 1, one meter ruler. Our stratergy was to mark the end of the ruler then do the next meter from that mark. I probably would be albe to use this startergy by myself if I had a object to mark the end of the ruler. Once we finished the task we felt good that we completed pretty fast. My favourite one was measuring the length of the basketball court, because I like to play basketball. The one I didn't like was in the year 7/8 playground something between 50 and 70 cm wide, because it was hard finding something that small. 



Wednesday 9 June 2021

Word Art


On the 8th of June, we created our own Word Art. Word art is a website where you can create pictures with your words on them. Our class had to invent our own one about things we like.  The picture is picked represents Kobe Bryant, it was his logo. Thanks for reading.

Friday 4 June 2021

IPO The Parrot

 Today the 4th of June, IPO the Parrot came into our class along with Andrea Rose's Nan. IPO is a 43 year old Extraordinary Cockatoo, who has lost her wings, broken her toe. IPO use to fly in a flock, most of his specie lives in Australia. IPO is a omnivore and mostly eats seeds. He enjoys to be around people and loves going to art classes with Andrea. IPO can live up to 100 years although it is rare. After Andrea introduced IPO we all got to pat him.

Thursday 3 June 2021

Maths D.M.I.C Problem Solving

 Nearly every week we do D.M.I.C. D.M.I.C is something we do for maths. The class is grouped into groups of 4. We are faced with a problem, as a group of 4 we have to work together to work it out.  A couple key things about
the Maths is that every one is participating and communicating properly, also sharing ideas.

This was one of the problems. In our group was Ethan,Lockeya, David and Myself.

As a group we worked great together.  Our strategy was Guess and Check. Which worked perfectly. We presented our work to the class and it was correct. There are 4 roles for each person. I was the writer who wrote how we solved the problem, Ethan presented it so told them what and how we did it. David read the problem to the class while Lockeya ask if there was any questions before we sat back down.