On Saturday the 2nd of May, we started the day off with gardening. This involved filling 3 large holes with dirt. We used a wheelbarrow, shovel and a pitch fork. For lunch we had our first takeaways that were fish ‘n chips at the beach. Our Nan and Cousins came down to the beach and had a couple of chips. Next thing you know Emanea (my sister) is spending the day with them! In the afternoon we did some basketball drills and one workout. Which involved running squats, push press, push ups and sit ups. For the basketball drill I did another session of Paul Eastons free home workouts. Yummy dinner, we had pasta which was delicious. On the menu for desert was homemade feijoa ice cream. We finished the day off by watching Angry Birds 2. Angry Birds 2 had really funny moments. Overall it was a good movie and really funny. So that's how our Saturday went.
Now for Sunday.On Sunday the 3rd of May at about 11:00am we watched The Last Dance. The Last Dance is a 2020 American sports documentary that involves 10 miniseries about the career of Michael Jordan, with particular focus on the 1997–98 Chicago Bulls season. Michael Jordan was one of the best basketball players in history! After watching episodes 3 and 4 of the Last Dance we went up to our Nan's place and cruised around the massive field on the buggy and motorbike. We also made waffles at my nan's house. They were delicious. What made it better was the feijoa ice cream we made the day before.

So that's how my first weekend of May went. It was one fun weekend. As you can see we did a lot of fun things, which was awesome. What do you do on the weekends? I like keeping busy and always doing things with others. I’ve also done a couple of jobs with my Uncle and Koro and it was fun helping them out.Stay Safe and keep social distance with others. Have a nice day. Here are a couple of photos of the activities we done.