Monday 25 May 2020


On Saturday the 23rd of May, at about 3 o'clock . Me and my cousin Kapiti, Approached the Otaki Skatepark🛹.  We always go to the skate park with our scooters. Today was Kapiti birthday so this was my present for him. As we arrived there were load of people there.

 We got stuck in straight away airing boxes, tail whips, going up and down the bowl and the best thing I like doing going up the spine, and many more cool tricks. There were these other teenagers who could at least jump higher than kapiti who is 9! They were absolutely great with there scooters doing all kinds of outstanding tricks. We were having so much fun it was also very tiring.

Overall we had a great time we stayed there for about a hour an then went back to kapitis house. We played there for a bit until we went home t about 5pm here a picture of a bit of the otaki skate park. Otaki Skate Park Otaki have a good day         

Monday 11 May 2020


On Monday the 11th of May the class of DHT did an activity called Wordart. We wrote down things we liked for example I like basketball and outdoor activities. We decorated our picture. My picture was a person dunking. Wordart was fun to do. I really enjoyed this activity. This is how my Wordart picture turned out. Enjoy😊

Sunday 10 May 2020

The Weekend

On Saturday the 2nd of May, we started the day off with gardening.  This involved filling 3 large holes with dirt. We used a wheelbarrow, shovel and a pitch fork. For lunch we had our first takeaways that were fish ‘n chips at the beach. Our Nan and Cousins came down to the beach and had a couple of chips. Next thing you know Emanea (my sister) is spending the day with them! In the afternoon we did some basketball drills and one workout. Which involved running squats, push press, push ups and sit ups. For the basketball drill I did another session of Paul Eastons free home workouts. Yummy dinner, we had pasta which was delicious. On the menu for desert was homemade feijoa ice cream. We finished the day off by watching Angry Birds 2. Angry Birds 2 had really funny moments. Overall it was a good movie and really funny. So that's how our Saturday went.

Now for Sunday.On Sunday the 3rd of May at about 11:00am we watched The Last Dance. The Last Dance is a 2020 American sports documentary that involves 10 miniseries about the career of Michael Jordan, with particular focus on the 1997–98 Chicago Bulls season. Michael Jordan was one of the best basketball players in history! After watching episodes 3 and 4 of the Last Dance we went up to our Nan's place and cruised around the massive field on the buggy and motorbike. We also made waffles at my nan's house. They were delicious. What made it better was the feijoa ice cream we made the day before.

So that's how my first weekend of May went. It was one fun weekend.  As you can see we did a lot of fun things, which was awesome. What do you do on the weekends? I like keeping busy and always doing things with others. I’ve also done a couple of jobs with my Uncle and Koro and it was fun helping them out.Stay Safe and keep social distance with others. Have a nice day. Here are a couple of photos of the activities we done.

Friday 8 May 2020

Largest Lego Great Ball Contraption

The Largest great ball contraption has been created at LEGO® World Denmark in Copenhagen. With modules including multiple bridges, rotating wheels, and a shot into a basketball hoop.This creation was made by Ben Jonkman and Maico Arts, these two are both Netherlands. This 259 contraption was also created by Klaus Hansen, Lasse Deleruan, Brain Soholm Larsen and Elena Dimitrova. These 4 people also did their job in the massive creation. I think this lego ball contraption is massively amazing. I bet this model will blow your mind! This lego ball contraption also made the record for the largest ball contraption. Here is a link to watch the 40 minute awesome lego ball contraption

Wednesday 6 May 2020


I made waffles on the 30th of may for desert. They were absolutely delicous! I added maple syrup, whip cream and blueberries.

Friday 1 May 2020

Project Recycable

During lockdown DHT (our class) Had a task to do. It was a Project Recyclable. You were not allowed to go and buy things so you had to be really creative. once we had finished we would share what we made on our next class video call.My Project was Anzac biscuits soon as its anzac. It was fun following the steps and recipe.

What creative things have you made or done. have you made a trickshot while in lockdown because me and my dad have. or have you had some great family fun. Here is the recipe and what our anzac cookies turn out like. By the way the were so delicious that we have no more!!!
Here are our anzac cookies and the recipe we followed.