Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Buddy Blog About Lockdown

After the last few days, New Zealand has met Covid 19.  However, this is the delta variant that is easily spread. We are back into online classes and whaea Destine has given us a task. Today we have to pair up with a friend or someone from class to complete a blog about activities that we have both been doing in lockdown.

I paired up with my cousin Kyra because we have both completed at least 5 trick shots. My favourite one was when I rolled a tennis ball down two paths which then knocked a domino stack, which led to a toy train zooming down the track. Which then powered a golf ball down a lane which was then followed up by bouncing off a pan and into a bowl of water. That trickshot nearly took a whole day. The hardest part was having to restack the dominoes every time we got past that stage. 

I haven't just been doing trick shots over the last couple of days I have also just started practicing skateboarding. Skateboarding is fun because it brings people together and offers a shared interest for people to build friendships around. It also includes creativity and takes your mind off things.

Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. (sorry I have no videos for some reason I couldn't add any.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Jean Batten Aviator

 Jean Batten

Last week on Friday the 6th we did a couple of activities about Jean Batten.  In my group of 4 were David, Mana, Tumoana and I. Our first group activity was about Jean Batten's mascot Buddy the cat we had to figure out what the sentence meant by reversing it by 8 letters from the alphabet The class completed all 6 activities by the end of the day. My favourite activities were morse and crack the code cards. In our groups, we had to solve the time and place it on the cards to crack the codes. Our team had to think hard and communicate positively. We used maps and our Chromebooks to figure the activities out. Eventually, we figured it out and were the first group to complete it.