Wednesday 8 September 2021

My Pet

My pet cat is called Slim.  He is very playful and energetic. He is curious and enjoys sitting in his box. Slim is black and grey and shares the same birthday as me, he will be 1 on the 15th March 2022.  His favourite thing to do is sleep or lie in the sun. Slim is special because we found him as an orphan kitten which lead us to adopting him through the SPCA.  Slim brings our family lots of joy and laughter. Here are some pics of him. Thanks for reading

Thursday 2 September 2021

Keeping Safe

 I agree with Jacinda Aderns comment because if we follow her instructions we will reduce the chance of contracting covid 19.

If we keep our distance and wear face masks we will stop the spread of covid 19.

limiting the number of people we interact with, will make contact tracing easier.