Friday 26 February 2021

Kia Kaha buddies

 This morning, Our Kia kaha buddies came in. This year our kia kaha buddies are Jay

da and Oriwa, Kia kaha buddies are year 13s that come into our class and have some fun with us. Today we started off playing the game Bang on the courts, we had two rounds of bang then we switched into Bullrush/Seaweed. 

Seaweed was fun I only got tagged 3 times within 4 rounds. I enjoyed every activite we did, Bang got our brain thinking and Seaweed was a great way of getting us moving in the morning. They used 123, all eyes on me to get the classes attention which I thought a great idea and It worked. Next week when they come in I would like to play fat man splat but with coned bases. That would be fun to play with the class. This morning was a great morning with our buddies and I can't wait to play with them next week.